
Posts Tagged ‘Loudoun County VA green homes’

Automated HVAC Systems

Programmable thermostats can save consumers about $180 per year in energy costs, according to Energy Star.   Automated systems can be set to reduce consumption when residents are out and to create heating and cooling zones in a home—a guest bedroom, for instance, might not always need the same level of heat as the living room.


Water Heaters

Tankless gas water heaters turn on when residents start using hot water and turn off when they’re done, which can reduce water heating costs up to 35 percent annually. Water heaters that have a timer can be programmed to turn off when the home owner is away.



Automatic dimmers will adjust lighting based on the time of day, which is extremely beneficial for exterior lighting.


Blinds & drapes Automated blinds are an eco-savvy development in window treatments. Program shades to close during the hottest part of the day in summer and to let sun in during winter.



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The process of lighting a room used to be simple. You bought a lightbulb for a few cents and screwed it into a socket. If a room needed more light, you brought in a couple of lamps and plugged them wherever there was an available electrical outlet and furniture to put them on.


But these days, with so much buzz about conserving energy and saving dollars with light choices, home owners need to shop wisely when they pick lightbulbs — “lamps” in industry lingo. But they can also make their houses brighter, fresher looking, larger, and more attractive to themselves and potential buyers with their choice of lamps, the right wattage or lumens, and the best possible fixtures. (more…)

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